I cat I cas I en I

estudi d’arquitectura ramon valls                      


location: carrer de les torres, 9  I  4373o falset, priorat, tarragona  I  41°08'49.3"N 0°49'33.0"E

constructed area: 347,4o sq m

budget: 177.61o € pec iva not included

project: 1998 I building work: 2oo1

promoter: enric polo

builder: construccions jaume andreu

collaborators: roger molas

consultants: manuel arguijo, structure I cot. lluís duart, facilities I

joan j. piñol, measurement and budget and project of security and health

architect director of the works: ramon valls I execution of the works director: joan j. piñol

photography: ramon valls

finalist III biennal alejandro de la sota award 2oo3

info < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 L P S  >

I catalog I

house in falset

valència 2oo 1.1 I o8o11 barcelona I t. 34.934 124 128  I arquitectura@ramonvalls.net